by Caroline Crowley | Dec 16, 2021 | Sin categoría
In this edition of the Southern Star Caroline Crowley discusses the tax challenges for those working in Ireland for overseas employers, link below for our article on tax and working remotely in Ireland: Remote working brings opportunities and complexities | Southern...
by Caroline Crowley | Nov 10, 2021 | Sin categoría
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in many employers implementing temporary remote working arrangements. As we emerge from this pandemic, employers are receiving many requests from staff to work remotely in other countries but what are the tax considerations for these...
by Caroline Crowley | Aug 21, 2021 | Sin categoría
Are you thinking about opening an Irish limited company? Find out what is involved below. Limited companies prepare accounts for CRO (Company Registration Office) annually which will be more costly than preparing accounts as sole trader. Corporation tax is a tax on a...
by Caroline Crowley | Aug 20, 2021 | Sin categoría
More and more employers are looking at share schemes as a way of rewarding their employees. In this blog we look at the tax implications where you receive shares from your employer. The tax implications here typically depends on the type of scheme provided. The...
by Caroline Crowley | Nov 12, 2020 | Sin categoría
The M Word, nobody wants to speak about it, yet we can’t live without it. MONEY, yes I’ve said it. Now lets tackle it. First up, how do you improve your financial fitness? How do you become financially fit? Cork Personal Tax Adviser and Chartered Accountant, Caroline...
by Caroline Crowley | Oct 12, 2020 | Sin categoría
This is an most important task for any household. Setting aside a couple of uninterrupted hours for yourself and your partner to prepare a monthly household budget is essential. This time will be invaluable whether or not you also seek professional advice. But where...